Salix Funding Support

Renewable Energy Project Funding

Salix Funding

The Salix Public Sector Decarbonisation Grant Scheme is a government initiative designed to support public sector bodies in reducing their carbon footprint.

It provides financial assistance for energy-efficiency and heat decarbonisation projects with the aim to accelerate the move towards a greener future by investing in sustainable technologies and practices.

What is salix Funding

Salix Funding Key Objectives

Building Fabric Improvements

Taking a fabric first approach, Salix offers funding towards upgrading the usability of your building.

Energy efficiency

The scheme focuses on enhancing the energy performance of buildings through cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices.

Heat decarbonisation

By encouraging the adoption of renewable and low carbon heating solutions, the program contributes significantly to reducing carbon footprints.

Green Heat Network Fund

The Green Heat Network Fund is a capital grant fund that will support the commercialisation of district heating networks across the UK. Whether that be, private sector or public sector it covers a wide range including low carbon homes, education, NHS, and many more sectors.

Private Sector

Working in partnership with investors, C3 has a direct route to develop low-carbon projects including building fabric upgrades, low carbon heat, renewable energy, and battery storage innovations. Focused on decarbonising the UK, our fund offers the private sector a route to market for funding there renewable energy projects, offering a turn-key service at C3 Group.


C3’s Role in Successful Applications

At C3 Group, our dedication is centred on guiding organisations towards achieving sustainability and net-zero objectives. We specialise in offering extensive consultancy services, tailored to assist in navigating the complexities of the funding process.

Our Services

C3 Group delivers strategic advice to align your organisation’s sustainability ambitions with the eligibility criteria, facilitating a smooth application procedure.

Our team, composed of seasoned sustainability professionals, provides a specialised technical assistance. We focus on identifying and executing energy efficiency and decarbonisation initiatives that are customised to meet the needs of your organisation.

The process of applying for grants can be intricate. C3 Group simplifies this process by ensuring that all required documents are meticulously prepared and submitted within the stipulated deadlines.

C3 Group manages all aspects of project execution, from the initial stage to completion. We guarantee that the measures implemented are in compliance with the scheme’s standards and achieve the intended environmental and financial benefits.

Why Choose C3 Group?

Proven track record

Benefit from our extensive experience in guiding organisation through successful Salix applications.

Tailored solutions

Our consultants understand that each organisation is unique. We provide personalised solutions that align with your specific objectives and challenges.

Compliance assurance

Stay confident in the knowledge that your application and sustainability projects adhere to the scheme’s guidelines, minimising risks and ensuring success.


Your sustainable partner

Embark on your journey toward a sustainable future with C3 Group as your trusted partner. Contact us today to explore how we can collaborate to unlock your project funding.


Turn-Key Solutions aligned to UK Net-Zero.

Guiding you on your journey to net-zero

What we do

Carbon Reduction Plan

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Sustainable Building Design

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Net Zero Project Management

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Low Carbon Feasibility Studies

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Ready to get started? Let's build a more sustainable future together - one efficient building at a time

Working together towards a Greener Future
Contact Us

Call us
Hull 01482 639 471
Leeds 01133 023 253

Email us
[email protected]

Hull Office
80 Scott Street,
Hull, HU2 8AP.

Leeds Office
9 Park Square East, Leeds, LS1 2LH
