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Building Management System Optimisation

Building Management System Optimisation

With rising energy costs, businesses are feeling the pressure to strategies to reduce their overheads and maintain projected growth. A key point surrounding an organisation’s growth is how to decarbonise its estate, aligned to its current cash flow projections. Whilst not all businesses are cash-rich, this poses a bottleneck for organisations to align themselves to net-zero. 

For businesses who fall into this common category, it proves beneficial for an organisation to review the current efficiency of their building energy model, and wider building management system (BMS). 

For a business to review its BMS can identify: 

  • In-efficient use of plant and machinery 
  • Strategic (small-scale) investment, aligned to their net-zero ambitions 
  • Highlight efficient run times of manufacturing periods. 

These BMS health checks give true clarity to an organisation’s energy model, aligned with the projected efficiency of the system. 

The conclusive actions that come from a BMS review can be as follows: 

  • A revised control strategy 
  • An accurate energy model post review
  • A strategic phasing plan aligned to the business’s net-zero ambitions. 

The balancing of existing systems with a strategic phasing plan will prove essential in limiting the risk surrounding fossil fuel transitions, whilst also providing a grid independency transition for an organisation. 

Recent times has shown business suffer due to having no carbon reduction plans in place and are subject to the large price increases associated with Fossil Fuel and electrical grid connections.

The first steps to creating a net-zero strategy for your estate are to: 

  • Collate all the estate’s half-hourly energy data, (Gas & Electric). 
  • Consult in reviewing your energy usage, plotted against the half-hourly data. 
  • Consult in reviewing your existing building management system (BMS) efficiencies, with a complimentary health check. 
  • Consult in revising your control strategy to align to the true energy model of the estate.  

The above three simple steps will enable a commercial business to take the first steps in decarbonising the estate. Whilst every decarbonisation strategy is different, C3 Group creates a strategy/development based on the business needs and redundancy requirements. 

If you have found this short read interesting, please get in touch to develop an energy strategy.

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