Salix Funding Support

working together towards a greener future

Net Zero Consultants:
Introducing C3 Group

Achieve Net Zero

Lower operating costs

Help the environment

Be more efficient

Achieve Net Zero

Lower operating costs

Help the environment

Be more efficient

C3 Group are a team of net zero consultants dedicated to helping organisations achieve their sustainability goals.

With our comprehensive suite of services and industry expertise, we provide tailored solutions to create you a sustainable business model that is not only environmentally responsible but also financially viable.

By reducing energy and carbon, businesses can experience lower operating costs, increased energy independence, and improved long-term financial resilience. It’s a win-win situation where you can make a positive impact on the environment while reaping the financial rewards of sustainable practices.

What we do

Energy Efficiency Retrofits

We specialise in identifying energy inefficiencies and implementing retrofit solutions that optimise resource usage. By leveraging the latest technologies and industry best practices, we help organisations significantly reduce their energy consumption

Low Carbon Feasibility Studies

Through meticulous analysis of areas such as renewable energy integration, and supply chain optimisation, we provide actionable insights and recommendations that drive meaningful change.

Sustainable Building Design

We collaborate with architects and construction teams to integrate sustainable design principles, energy-efficient systems, and renewable technologies into your building projects. Maximising energy performance.

Carbon Reduction Plans

We analyse your carbon footprint, set realistic targets, and establish a roadmap to mitigate emissions across your operations.

Our experts will develop a roadmap to net zero, and guide
you through the implementation process.

We provide end-to-end solutions, ensuring a seamless and efficient transition to net zero.

By working with us, you can align your sustainability efforts with the UK’s transition to a low-carbon economy and contribute to the national goals of achieving a sustainable future, whilst reaping the financial benefits of reduced energy prices.

Let us guide you on the path to creating a climate-conscious business, and a better world.


Ready to get started? Let's build a more sustainable future together - one efficient building at a time

Working together towards a Greener Future
Contact Us

Call us
Hull 01482 639 471
Leeds 01133 023 253

Email us
[email protected]

Hull Office
80 Scott Street,
Hull, HU2 8AP.

Leeds Office
9 Park Square East, Leeds, LS1 2LH
